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Let's dream together



Physical Theatre

Children Theatre




Creative Drama


Kids Club


Party . . .


   QPerformans produces performances in the disciplines of theater, physical theatre and children theatre. 

   It also organizes puppet workshops for adults and children and creates youtube content all these areas. 

   It intends to continue to produce artistic appearances, meet, act and have fun, hoping to contribute to positive changes in social life.

   It would like to continue to take part in national and international organizations and festivals that it believes will support and nurture its production and development.

   Hakan Polacanlı, art director of QPerformans, who is a member of "ASSITEJ Türkiye" (International Association of Theatre for Children and Youth).

Quito Kare

Physical Theatre / Clown               (15+)



Writer, Directer, Performer:  Hakan Polacanlı

Choreographer, Dramaturge: Evren Erbatur

Rhythm Consultant: Cem Ulu

İllusion Consultant: Kerem Eser

Poster Design: Cihangir Erönü

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Quito is so funny.

Quito loves listening to music and dancing.

Quito is lovely friend.

He loves meeting new friends and having fun together.

He plays with toys that he always brings to.

He is also juggling and performing little magic tricks.

Laugh or Laugh   

When Quito is having fun at the theater where he works,

then he finds himself across to the audiences.

On the contrary to the expected flow and language in the theater,

the seriousness is interrupted for a while

and leaves its place to a carnivalesque atmosphere,

with the effect of fun

and laughter that allows everyone to participate in the play.

Quito, which perceives the world with a smiling face with its enthusiasm

and fun; invites you to the play environment that eliminates limits,

social roles and hierarchical levels.

Come and join the play.

Let's change Quito's silence into polyphony with the healing liberating

and unifying power of laughter

Laughing is beautiful.

        Laughing makes unite

Laughing makes better

Laughing sets free          


Quito is so funny.

Quito loves listening to music and dancing.

Quito is lovely friend.

He loves meeting new friends and having fun together.

He plays with toys that he always brings to.

He is also juggling and performing little magic tricks.

He has also a story;

Quito and Mosquito'


This is a story about a friendship with

Quito and a mosquito

who wants to play with him while having a picnic

which turns into a fun for everyone.


What a beautiful friendship...

It is so nice to meet with all our differences,

to be friends and to continue the friendship, and it takes a lot of effort.

However, sometimes we can upset and offend the other party by not understanding our personal expectations.

The most beautiful thing is to see all the differences

and wishes of those in front of us, to be able to continue together without restricting them and to embrace life together.

The most beautiful instrument that gives the opportunity to embrace is 'laughing'.

        Laughing makes unite

Laughing makes better

Laughing sets free          

Anyone aged 5 years and over;

We invite children, adults, families

to be a part of this funny story and laugh together.

Quito and Mosquito.jpg

Physical Theatre / Clown

Quito and Mosquito

Anyone aged 5 and over;
Children, Adults, Families

Writer, Director and Performer :  

Hakan Polacanlı


Premiere;     11 January 2020
                      Nilüfer / Bursa


QUİTO Premiere; 2021, December 4th


Quito is lovely friend. :)))))


Quito is having fun at the theater where he works.


Come and join to play ;) #clownperformance

Quito and Mosquito

Quito and Mosquito Premiere; 2020, January 11th Bursa / Turkey

Quito and Mosquito
Quito and Mosquito
Quito and Mosquito - Bursa

Quito and Mosquito

Quito and Mosquito
Quito and Mosquito - Bursa Festivali 1

Children, Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Aunts, Uncles, Yengeler, Uncles, Grandparents, Grandmothers, Grooms, Sisters, Cousins, ...

Quito and Mosquito

Initial Performance İzmir, 2011 Cartoon and Hummer Festival

Grand Efes Swisssotel

Forum Bornova Kids Club

Tent and Caravan Camping

Quito and Mosquito at camp

Theatre at the Camp

Tent and Caravan Camping

Theatre in Holiday

Hotel, Resort, Tent and Caravan Camping

Theatre in Holiday

Theatre in Holiday Fun for Everyone

Quito and Mosquito

We invite everyone from 7 to 77 to be partners in this entertainment.

Laughing is good

Quito loves to have fun

İzmir Swissotel

Grand Efes Swissotel


Heybeli Ada Festival Fun for everyone 7 to 77


Heybeli Ada On the Mobile Art Bus

Game and Toy Museum


İzmir Metropolitan Municipality

78. İzmir International Fair Art Street

Game and Toy Museum

In Ümran Baradan Game and Toy Museum for 3 years with Pompon and Quito performance, Emres violin, Elifs Accordion with a lot of fun and made a lot of friends. Alican and his friends experienced different adventures in the puppet world.

Karabağlar Municipality

New Year festival in the village

Game and Toy Museum

Interactive performance

Game and Toy Museum

Quito at the museum

Game and Toy Museum - İZMİR

Quito everywhere İZMİR

Datça / Muğla Festival Cortege

Can Yücel Culture and Art Festival - Cortege Datça / Muğla 2018

Game and Toy Museum

Ümran Baradan Game and Toy Museum - İZMİR

Datça / Muğla

Festival - Cortege Datça / Muğla

Enez / Edirne

Together with TAL and HAYTAP Enez / Edirne We conducted workshops with children. Quito joined in to show.



Göztepe  Mahallesi

Kadıköy  /  İstanbul    


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